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停 -认证持牌电工 帮助发现并解决问题,与婷 最多能报销1000美元的修理费.


十大彩票平台官网和婷是来帮你在电气火灾发生前阻止它的. 今天就登录MyWestfield注册.




Westfield homeowner policyholders can sign up today to receive 停 electrical monitoring for free for three years. 完成登记的前1万名投保人可以使用停.


  • wi - fi连接
  • 智能手机
  • 积极的十大彩票平台官网房主政策


停易于安装,无论您的技术水平如何. Simply download the 停 Sensor app and follow the instructions to install 停 in just 2 minutes.

有关消防的常见问题 & 安全技术


如果你现在是十大彩票平台官网房主十大正规彩票平台的投保人,你的 叮叮声传感器 三年的服务是免费的. 注册不需要付款信息,也没有月费, 订阅费用, 或者安装费用.

在最初的三年服务期结束之前, 十大彩票平台官网会通知任何可能的项目更新. 没有义务继续服务.

While the 停 program is free for policyholders, a premium discount is not currently available.

No, your participation in the 停 program has no impact on your insurance coverage or premium.

目前,停在Westfield提供服务的所有10个州都可以使用 房产十大正规彩票平台.

目前十大彩票平台官网房主的保单持有人可以通过 MyWestfield. Participation in the program is available to the first 10,000 policyholders who complete enrollment. 


这很简单! 这是因为无论你的技术水平如何,停都可以完全自己动手. 通常,安装和激活服务只需要两分钟. 停 Sensor应用程序,可通过 Google Play商店 or iOS应用商店,将指导您完成设置过程.

我们希望你永远不会收到火灾危险通知, 如果你知道, it is imperative to respond immediately to the 停 Fire Safety Team as your ho使用 is in danger. 如果停探测到你家有火灾危险,你会收到:

  1. App通知
  2. 来自停消防安全工程师的私人短信
  3. 来自停消防安全工程师的私人电话
  4. 私人邮件.

当检测到火灾隐患时, an experienced 停 Fire Safety Engineer 将 walk you through the details of the hazard along with a plan to resolve the hazard. 如果需要, a visit from a licensed electrician 将 be coordinated with you to find and fix the hazard. 停补救信贷将覆盖高达1美元,000美元的电工服务费, 通常哪一种支付所有费用.

The 停 service works with an extensive network of authorized independent licensed electricians across the U.S. 谁受过培训,能够发现、诊断和解决丁先生所识别的各种危险. 所有授权的电工都有专业执照, 在当地提供电气服务, 并接受过婷如何工作的培训. 除了管理你的婷修复服务, 没有授权的电工得到婷的补偿.

如果需要一名电工来减轻火灾危险, rest assured that their sole purpose is to find and fix an electrical hazard before it can ignite a fire in your home. 当电工在你家的时候, they 将 coordinate with the expert 停 Fire Safety Team to ensure the visit is as efficient as possible.

在很多情况下, 对危险的补救仅仅意味着停止使用有故障或有缺陷的设备, 例如灯或空间加热器. 在其他情况下,危害可能需要专业的补救措施. 如有需要,并征得您的同意, an electrician 将 be scheduled to visit your home and work with the 停 Fire Safety Team to find and fix the hazard.

是的, you can 使用 your preferred licensed contractor when service is required to repair a 停-identified fire hazard. 然而, it is required that your electrician contact and coordinate with the 停 Fire Safety Team prior to visiting your home in order for the 停 Service Credit to be applicable.

停 使用s remote diagnostic tools along with real-time data from your 叮叮声传感器 during on-site services. A 停 Fire Safety Team engineer moderates the diagnostic process via phone consultation with the on-site electrician to verify the hazard has been found and fixed.

是的, 如果已知电气火灾危险是在您的电气服务公用事业方面, 您的公用事业供应商通常负责维修和相关费用. 在这种情况下, the 停 Fire Safety Team 将 provide you with guidance on how to engage your utility and get the required attention for your home’s electrical supply and connection to your utility provider’s electric distribution system.

No. A breaker typically trips when there is a short or overload condition in a circuit's wiring. 在这种情况下,断路器是安全机构. 停不是用来检测短路的,短路会导致断路器跳闸. 如果断路器一直跳闸,不要复位,并联系合格的电工.

美国的大多数家庭都是这样.S. have one main electrical panel and only require a single 叮叮声传感器 for whole-home coverage. If your home has more than one main electrical panel, contact the 停 客户 Care Team at help@whiskerlabs.com 确定适当的行动计划. 如果Whisker实验室认为你需要一个额外的停传感器, 十大彩票平台官网将负责额外的传感器和监控.

你的1美元,000 credit can only be applied toward the labor required for the mitigation of an electrical fire hazard identified by 停. You must be notified by the 停 service of a potential hazard and the 停 team must work with you to coordinate professional remediation. This credit cannot be 使用d for general electrical work that you would like to have completed in your home.

你所需要的只是一部智能手机和全天候Wi-Fi网络. 请注意,停 Sensor应用程序不兼容台式机或笔记本电脑.

The 停 Sensor app must be installed on a smartphone (or compatible smart device) and active throughout your 停 Service period to keep you informed of important electrical events and electrical fire hazards in your home.

停是一个互联的智能家居系统和服务. Your 叮叮声传感器 requires a wi - fi连接 to communicate electrical hazards to 停’s secure servers. A constant wi - fi连接 is also required to keep the sensor software secure and up to date.


No. 停 Sensor应用程序需要安装, 在你激活了你的停服务后,它会让你知道. 最重要的是, 如果发现了火灾隐患, the service includes access to the 停 Fire Safety team who 将 guide you through every step of hazard resolution. 这项服务还包括一项1,000美元的停信贷,用于支持火灾隐患整治.

停会监控你的电气系统和插头. 它正在监测电气火灾的主要前兆——微弧, 故障电线产生的火花, 松散的联系, 以及有故障的电器或设备. 这些信号通常会持续数周甚至数月, 所以停的设计是为了给你提供提前警告 在这些危险发展成电气火灾之前解决它们.

停 does not contain any other technology such as microphones, cameras, or motion detectors.

在过去的几年里, 超过50万家庭受到保护,监控时间长达数十亿小时, 停的误报率实际上是0%.

虽然第一天没有电气危险是件好事, 他们可以从家庭年龄等因素发展, 使用, 穿, 恶化, 振动, DIY项目, 水泄漏, 和更多的. 通过保持停的安装, your electrical network is consistently monitoring for any hazards that may appear over time.

Additionally, once a hazard develops, the signals it generates are random and unpredictable. 许多危害随着时间的推移缓慢发展,并根据电力消耗偶尔出现, 在家里添置电器或设备, 还有其他因素. 在很多情况下 there are no signals that would be seen by the homeowner prior to a fire developing.


The 停 Sensor app only 使用s your smartphone location during installation to validate the address for your 停 Service. 在那之后,停就不需要你手机的位置信息了. The precise location where 停 is installed is very important beca使用 local weather and utility grid information are 使用d to identify certain fire hazards.

你的停传感器检测到的电子事件与Westfield共享. 如果确定了火灾隐患,则会与我们共享危险摘要.

停只共享交付停服务所需的数据. 否则,您的个人信息或传感器数据不会与第三方共享. 以下是您的数据可能被共享的三种情况:

  • 当你批准时, 停 shares your name and address with the repair contractor to facilitate scheduling the on-site repair.
  • 当火灾隐患被确定可能是由你的电力设施引起的, the 停 Fire Safety Team may share a summary of 叮叮声传感器 data with your Utility to support their effort to fix the hazard.
  • 在严重情况下, 或者在容易发生野火的地区, 停 may also share anonymized 停 data across a region with first responders to support mitigation and response efforts.

请参阅 停隐私政策 欲知详情.

婷的安全标准是最高的. 丁氏传感器, 停 Sensor app, 和停服务器进行定期检查, 由独立的严格的漏洞和渗透测试, 经认可的第三方保安公司. 访问停的 安全 & 私隐常见问题部分 以了解Whisker Labs如何保护停和保护您的隐私.

No, your written or verbal consent and approval must be given before an authorized contractor 将 be scheduled.